Register for ‘Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce: Internationalizing CTE in North America’ webinar

Join WFCP webinar ‘Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce: Internationalizing Career and Technical Education (CTE) in North America’ on September 24, 2020,  at 3 p.m. (EDT). Global competence and intercultural understanding has become more important than ever for every citizen and worker around the world. This webinar will focus on internationalization of the curriculum for Career and Technical […]

Register for the ‘Embracing Indigenous knowledge in teaching TVET’ webinar

Register for  WFCP free webinar ‘Embracing Indigenous knowledge in teaching TVET ’ hosted on September 9 Join the panelists of ‘Embracing Indigenous knowledge in teaching TVET ’ webinar on September 9, 2020,      at 9 a.m. (EDT). The National Council for the Federal Network of Vocational, Scientific and Technological Education Institutions (Conif), Brazil, will host the webinar and share some […]

We welcome your contributions to September’s volume of Dispatch

WFCP monthly newsletter Dispatch has become a platform for sharing best practices and experiences, as well as the best responses to the challenges and changes posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Dispatch and who forwarded it to colleagues and partner institutions! July’s volume of Dispatch has been launched under the topic […]

WFCP is relaunching its Applied Research Affinity Group

WFCP is relaunching its Applied Research Affinity Group under the leadership of Tknika, the Basque Centre of Applied Research and Innovation in VET.  Members of this international community of practice will share the results and outcomes of applied research projects undertaken by their institutions, as well as exemplary practices related to applied research and innovation. […]

Craig Robertson: Capability to Succeed

AUTHOR: Craig Robertson, Chief Executive Officer, TAFE Directors Australia; WFCP Chair Two important reports, among many, were released this past month that tell a story – from two different angles – of the challenge for professional and technical education and training around the globe. Worsening economic and employment conditions are forecast for the world by […]

We welcome your Contributions to August’s volume of WFCP Newsletter Dispatch

WFCP monthly newsletter Dispatch has become a platform for sharing best practices and experiences, as well as the best responses to the challenges and changes posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Dispatch and who forwarded Dispatch to colleagues and partner institutions! June’s volume of Dispatch addresses international education and student […]

Report: 2020 Annual General Meeting

On May 28, 2020, the members of the WFCP gathered via conference call for the 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board and the WFCP member attendees heard from Chair Craig Robertson about the events of the last year and how the Federation has evolved throughout the year of 2019. Wayne Wheeler (Deputy Chair, Americas), […]

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