Our Work

The WFCP engages in a number of activities to achieve its goals of providing leadership in the delivery of workforce education. Members are encouraged to participate in the World Federation activities as a way to share promising practices, learn leading-edge education strategies, and hold discussions with international peers about professional and technical education and training.

The hallmark of the WFCP is its biennial World Congress that is held in a member country, along with a Youth Camp and Executive Leadership Workshop. The WFCP’s Awards of Excellence program recognizes leadership and excellence in our members, while the Federation’s seven affinity groups give our members the space to engage in exchange and learn from peers.

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups are an essential element of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP). The groups bring together members of WFCP to share and learn about topics which are especially relevant to professional, technical and vocational education and training.

Awards of Excellence

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics first launched its Awards in 2014, with the aim of recognizing outstanding contributions from member institutions and associations to achieving the vision of the Federation and celebrating accomplishments in the global colleges and polytechnics sector.


The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) has launched a series of free webinars devoted to the topical issues affecting professional and technical education and training, international exchange, and global education around the world.

World Congress

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) organizes a World Congress every 1-2 years, attracting 1000+ experts and professionals in the field of professional technical education and training from all corners of the world.
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