World’s Best Practice Guide

World’s Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training – Volume 5

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present the fifth volume of the World’s Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training. The fifth volume highlights and recognizes the contributions of award-winning institutions, individuals and projects engaged in professional and technical education and training from the Federation’s 2023 Awards of Excellence.

World’s Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training – Volume 4

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present the fourth volume of the World’s Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training. The fourth volume highlights and recognizes the contributions of award-winning institutions, individuals and projects engaged in professional and technical education and training from the Federation’s 2022 Awards of Excellence.

World’s Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training – Volume 3

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present the third volume of the World’s Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training. As in our two previous editions, this third volume features award winning institutions, individuals and projects engaged in professional and technical education and training (PTET) from the Federation’s 2020 Awards of Excellence.

World’s Best Practice Guide in Professional Technical Education and Training – Volume 2

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present the Second World’s Best Practice Guide in Professional and Technical Education and Training. As with the first edition, the second edition features award winning institutions, individuals and programs engaged in professional and technical education and training (PTET) from the Federation’s 2018 Awards of Excellence. The Guide demonstrates the responsiveness, innovation, and focus of Federation members; it is designed to offer guidance to other actors in PTET as they embark on their own projects to enhance the education they offer and the learning their students receive.

World Best Practices Guide in Professional and Technical Education – Volume 1

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is pleased to present its first World Best Practices Guide in Professional and Technical Education. The Guide pulls together profiles of the recipients of the WFCP’s second Awards of Excellence, which recognized the contributions and accomplishments our members make to the world of professional and technical education and training.
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