Basque Country established as a European point of reference for Vocational Training

Vice-Minister of VT, Jorge Arévalo, has scheduled meetings in Brussels with top-tier community leaders in Employment, Education, Training, Industry 4.0 and Competitiveness.
European Commissioner Marianne Thyssen will be supporting the European approach for the G7 Summit on future jobs, with the vision communicated by Basque VT.
The European Commission has selected Basque VT as a point of reference in Europe, thanks to its ability to turn complex global challenges into specific responses.
These meetings are taking place at a time when the European Commission is drawing up budgets and setting priorities for programmes and lines of work during the 2021-2028 period.

Call for Proposals: 2020 World Congress

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is now accepting bids to host its 10th World Congress in 2020. Bids will be accepted until June 30th, 2018 and the selected host informed by August 31st, 2018. The official announcement will be made at the 2018 World Congress closing ceremony, on October 8th, 2018.

#IEW2017: A Study Abroad Experience

Today we look at the experience of students who study abroad and how host institutions can support students in their stay. Duoc UC in Chile hosts a great number of exchange students every year. Duoc’s professors and student services offer support to these students as they transition to a new country.

#IEW2017: Trends in International Education

As international education continues to gain traction, trends in the field determine how students, institutions and policymakers respond and ensure that professional and technical education and training (PTET) meets needs. The British Council’s June 2017 report, 10 Trends Transformative changes in higher education (available for download here), looks at trends in international education.

#IEW2017: The European Experience – International Cooperation in Education

The European Union increases mobility for students and faculty, while increasing international cooperation in education across the continent. A comprehensive 2014 study by Erasmus Plus, the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe, encouraged these programs as it found that students who participated in study abroad programs enhance their employability. The Erasmus Impact Study: Effects of mobility on the skills and employability of students and the internationalisation of higher education institutions was designed to fill the data and empirical study gap on Eurasmus mobility and its effects on students and institutions.

#IEW2017: Canada and International Education – The Benefits to a Nation

University of Ottawa’s Centre for International Policy Studies and the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs released a report on Canada and international education, Global Education for Canadians: Equipping Young Canadians to Succeed at Home & Abroad. The report concurs with studies that demonstrate a link between students who study abroad and further economic success, and looks at the benefits of students studying abroad to their home country, finding that students who study abroad also benefit their communities.

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