WFCP Summer Newsletter
The new issue of the WFCP’s newsletter is now available. In this issue you’ll meet our new Directors elected to the Board at the April Annual General Meeting, read about how college STEM students are using their innovative ideas to help their communities, and learn about some of the challenges to implementing higher apprenticeships.
2nd European Vocational Skills Week
The 2nd European Vocational Skills Week will be held from November 20-24, 2017 with activities planned across the continent.
The Vitória Declaration – Now Available in Portuguese
The Vitória Declaration articulates the WFCP’s commitment to achieving the goal of inclusive and equitable education for all.
WFCP Releases its First Guide for Professional and Technical Education
The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) has gathered leading institutions and individuals to share their stories and lessons learned in its first World Best Practices Guide in Professional and Technical Education.
2017 Annual General Meeting: WFCP Welcomes New Directors to the Board and Enables Continuity Through New Board Posts
The membership of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics have elected three new Directors to the Board.
The Beijing Declaration – Now Available in Portuguese
The Beijing Declaration articulates the WFCP’s beliefs about education, affirms its members’ commitment to shared principles, and services as a guide as organizations pursue their own journey in the transformation of professional and technical education and training.
Vlog Sample
The European Commission has launched of an open public consultation for the evaluation of the four EU Agencies under the remit of the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – Eurofound, Cedefop, ETF and EU-OSHA.
European Commission Call for proposals “Awareness-raising activities on “Upskilling Pathways: New opportunities for adults”
The European Commission has just published a call for proposals with the aim of helping Member States to prepare the implementation of the Recommendation “Upskilling Pathways: new opportunities for adults”.
High Level Innovation Based Training Courses in Basque Country
TKNIKA is offering for the first time Summer Courses in Innovation in the incomparable setting of the Basque Country.