Call for Papers – CAPA International Conference

The Commonwealth Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) is soliciting papers for its international conference to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from April 24-28, 2017.

Minutes of WFCP Annual General Meeting

The WFCP held its annual meeting of members at the World Congress in September. The gathered members heard updates from the World Federation’s Chair and Vice-Chairs, learned of the progress of the Affinity Groups, accepted the 2015-16 financial statements, and accepted four new members to the Board of Directors: John Henik, David Hughes, Mouhamed Fadel […]

WFCP 2016 World Congress: Youth Camp

Almost 40 youth from around the world travelled to Brazil for the second WFCP International Youth Camp, which coincided with the 2016 WFCP World Congress. The students visited campuses of Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES), engaged in discussions on social justice, and discussed the role of professional education for the 21st century. The students […]

Announcing: WFCP 2018 World Congress

We are pleased to announce that the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics 2018 World Congress will be held in Melbourne, Australia from October 8 – 10, 2018. The event will take place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Take a look at our next host city: The 2018 World Congress will be hosted […]

WFCP Annual Report

The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics has released its Annual Report for 2015 – 2016. The Report highlights the work of the Federation and includes an update on the completed 2014 – 2016 Strategic Work Plan. To request a hard copy version of the Annual Report, please contact the WFCP Secretariat. wfcp_annual_report2016

Vitória Declaration: Committing to Inclusion and Access in Professional Education

At the 2016 World Congress in Brazil, the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics unveiled the Vitória Declaration, the Federation’s commitment to inclusion at all levels of professional education. Inclusion and access to education is part of global leaders commitment to universal development, articulated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2015 SDGs set the […]

New Directors Elected to WFCP Board

September 23, 2016 The members of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics welcomed four new members to its Board of Directors at its Annual General Meeting, held in Vitória, Brazil before the 2016 World Congress. The new Board members have a vast amount of experience in the field of professional and technical education and […]

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