Message from the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Affinity Group:
Thank you for the great year you have provided for the Affinity Group, for the many thoughtful discussions, the opportunity to share the importance of the SDG in TVET with you and to have a space for collaboration and idea sharing on the SDGs. This groups has grown since February 2021 and we have enjoyed being able to provide you 9 SDG Affinity Group presentations over this past year with guest experts representing different stakeholder groups in education, business, and training from Canada and around the world.
We would like to invite you to join the WFCP SDG Affinity Group on March 4th at 10 AM EST for a retrospective of the past year of the most important learnings that have been shared and discussed with the group.
Registration: Together|Ensemble 2022
We also invite you to look at the schedule and register for other events being held: Together|Ensemble (
We look forward to seeing you next Friday.
SDG Affinity Group