The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) is pleased to welcome you to our redesigned website. Developed by Brandon Johnson of Spadewerk New Media Consulting and designed by Suzan Hill of Colleges and Institutes Canada, the new website gives the Federation’s online presence a much-needed refresh. The site’s cleaner design will allow for greater engagement as the new menu makes the website easier to navigate and gives greater coverage to the Federation’s activities.
The new website also features a unique space for WFCP members. The Member Area will feature the contact information of other WFCP members to ensure partnership growth and funding opportunities for WFCP members. To register your member ID, please contact the WFCP Secretariat.
The WFCP’s redesigned online presence also makes it easier to find our publications. Under the Research and Publications tab, you can find all the Federation’s newsletters in one easy to access spot and download the World’s Best Practice Guide under Publications. The Federation’s activities can be found under the “Activities” menu item. Keep an eye on that section as the Affinity Groups pages become more active. This will be a space to learn about their activities over the next few months.
The WFCP Board wishes to thank Mr. Johnson and Ms. Hill for their work on the website.
The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) is a member-based international network of colleges, polytechnics, university colleges, institutions and individuals of professional and technical education and training. The Federation provides leadership in delivering workforce education for the global economy.
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For more information:
Tresanna Hassanally
World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics
613-746-2222 ext. 3141
Twitter: @wfcpsecretariat