Applications for the 2nd WFCP Youth Camp are being accepted by the Secretariat until May 29th, 2016.
Students who attend the Youth Camp will have an opportunity to meet their peers from around the world, visit local institutions in the state of Espírito Santo, participate in cultural activities, attend the World Congress, and take part in discussions framed by the Sustainable Development Goals and the camp theme Professional and Technical Education Student in the 21st Century.
The first WFCP Youth Camp was held in Beijing in 2014 to coincide the 2014 World Congress. Participants said the camp gave them valuable insight into the applied education sector and the importance of professional and technical education and training worldwide. You can read a testimonial from a 2014 Youth Camp participant and the Voice of the Youth the camp produced in our Winter 2015 newsletter.
Visit the World Congress site to learn more about this year’s Youth Camp.
Please submit the application below to the Secretariat by May 29th, 2016.