Applications are still open for the WFCP’s Awards of Excellence, to be handed out at the 2016 World Congress in Vitória, Brazil.
Awards are matched to the Federation’s Affinity Groups and seek to recognize member initiatives that contribute to or strengthen professional and technical education and training around the world. The seven categories are:
- Access to Learning and Employment – the recipient will demonstrate that their institution or institutional members developed effective channels to increase access to learning and employment for students.
- Applied Research – the recipient will demonstrate that their institution or institutional members has shown excellence in addressing real-world challenges through applied research
- Entrepreneurship – the recipient will demonstrate that their institution or institutional members has achieved excellence in integrating entrepreneurship into academic curriculum and/or implemented innovative entrepreneurial activities.
- Green Colleges – the recipient will demonstrate that their institution or institutional members excel in advancing environmental sustainability through knowledge, tools, practices and technologies
- Leadership Development – the recipient will demonstrate that their institution or institutional members has achieved excellence in developing the next generation of college leaders
- Higher Technical Skills – the recipient will demonstrate that their institution or institutional members has excelled in partnering with industry to improve access to jobs and meet the skills needs of the 21st century workforce
- Student Support Services – the recipient will demonstrate that their institution or institutional members have developed excellence provision of services that support students throughout their college experience.
To nominate an institution or association, submit the completed nomination form, below, and additional documents to the Secretariat by May 31, 2016.