More than 550 teachers discussed the new collaboration between VET centres and companies that will take place after the implementation of the VET Law at the 9th FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza VET Congress. Under the slogan “Working together. The new role of the company in VET” and during the 4th and 5th of May, the Cidade da Cultura de Galicia in Santiago de Compostela hosted the debates related to the challenges that society will face for the adequate development of the new regulations, the role that business and trade union organisations will develop to facilitate the training commitment of the company and the relationship with the centres, and the role of the company tutor in dual training.
The Regional Minister of Culture, Education and Universities of the Xunta de Galicia, Román Rodríguez, stressed that companies will have “to trust even more in vocational training” with the introduction of the new law that dualises all new training, despite the fact that a large part of the work has already been done. As he pointed out, “companies rely on vocational training to find professional resources to expand their workforces”, as reflected in the data: “85% of students who take vocational training in Galicia are placed immediately, and if we are talking about dual training, the percentage is 100%”.
Among the companies that took part in the Congress were Iberdrola, Nestlé España and Grupo Pescanova, which underlined the responsibility that companies are taking on with the new regulations.
Silvia Carballo, from HR at Nestlé España, pointed out that this new regulation poses to the company “whether you want to be a mere spectator or integrate me from the beginning, that we all start hand in hand with a common objective to provide the best profiles, which adapt to the needs we have”.
For Patricia Rodríguez, from the Grupo Pescanova, the new law is an opportunity to increase collaboration with educational centres and to continue improving.
New Success in Participation
The organisers FPEmpresa and CaixaBank Dualiza, in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia and the participation of Fundación Orange, have celebrated the good reception of the congress, which each year brings together more than half a thousand attendees from all over Spain.
The president of FPEmpresa, Luis García Domínguez, gave a positive assessment of the results of the event and recalled that “the 9th VET Congress was intended to focus on the new role of the company in the regulatory framework of the new VET Law”.
In this way, García stated that “the reflections that have taken place at this meeting have helped us to determine which are the critical elements for improving the system. One of them is related to improving orientation towards vocational training and the desire to find ways or places for companies and centres to meet”.
The director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, expressed her satisfaction with the smooth running of the congress, which has already become a benchmark for VET professionals and is a meeting point for teachers, but also a stage for the main educational vanguards, and a bridge to companies, which are increasingly represented in this forum”.
This success is the result, said San Luis, “of the efforts of teachers from all over Spain, of our ally FPEmpresa, without whom this would not be possible, and of the Xunta and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which not only facilitate but also support each of the actions initiated by CaixaBank Dualiza for the prestige of vocational training”.
9th VET Congress, A Meeting Point for VET Centres, Companies and Business Organisations
More than 20 speakers from different sectors, from academia to business, took part in the congress, with the aim of highlighting the value of leading companies in vocational training and the creation of tools that provide knowledge to educational centres and national and international students. Among the various speakers were Román Rodríguez, Regional Minister of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities of the Xunta de Galicia; Eugenia Pérez, Director General of Vocational Training of the Xunta de Galicia; Ángeles Cárdaba, Advisor to the Office of the Secretary of Vocational Training; Mónica Moso, head of the CaixaBank Dualiza VET Knowledge and Innovation Centre; and, finally, companies such as Iberdrola, with the head of Training at Iberdrola Spain, Roberto Mediavilla; IndesIA, with the expert in the GCTio area of Telefónica, Daniel Guzmán, Grupo Pescanova, Nestlé España, among others.

FPEmpresa also presented the awards for the 6th Call for Dualiza Grants and the 3rd edition of the FPEmpresa Awards, with Juan Carlos Lauder, former director of CaixaBank Dualiza, being recognised in the category of Vocational Training Career Award; and Javier Olleros in the category of the Award for the Company committed to Vocational Training.
Also, within the framework of this congress, several visits were made to VET centres in Galicia, such as CIFP Compostela, CIFP Politécnico de Santiago, CIFP Someso, CIFP de Imaxe y Son, CIFP Paseo das Pontes, CIFP Universidade Laboral Culleredo, CIFP Ánxel Casal-Monte Alto and CGIFP Eduardo Barreiros.
If you wish to consult the programme of the 9th VET Congress, click here.