Date: April 21-22, 2023
Venue: Palais des congrès de Montréal
The Strategic Leadership Affinity Group, led by the Postsecondary International Network (PIN), invites you to join the 2023 PIN-WFCP Leadership Summit. The Summit is an opportunity for senior post-secondary management attending the WFCP World Congress to engage in strategic thinking and share experiences about today’s key leadership issues.
The 2023 Leadership Summit takes place immediately before the WFCP World Congress in Montreal. The theme of the Summit is Leadership for Transformation, with the following sub-themes:
- Transformational Leadership
- Transforming Learning and Teaching
- Transforming Institutions
- Transforming Communities
The Leadership Summit will commence with a keynote address from one of the co-founders of the School of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality at Saint Paul University, Professor Bianca Briciu, and will include case studies from multiple institutions and countries of good practice and innovation. The Summit will provide insight and examples that can be adopted, adapted, and applied for post-secondary institutions to make a difference for the communities they serve.