The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics is now accepting bids to host its 11th World Congress in 2024.
The WFCP is the largest global network of community colleges, polytechnics and institutes and country associations engaged in the delivery of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The bi-annual congress is the hallmark of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics. Every two years, education professionals gather in a member country to hear the latest trends, best practices and network with their peers in the professional and technical education and training sector. The Congress programs are informed by the Federation’s Affinity Groups and the host nation’s local cultural flair.
The congress program includes high powered plenary sessions with leading practitioners in the field of TVET, break-out sessions for sharing of best practice, the meeting of the federation’s Affinity Groups, a residential program for young students and a leadership institute for leaders from within WFCP from across the globe.
The congress operates to a theme relevant at the time for WFCP. The theme draws participants to the Congress and to work toward improved practices and always considers the role WFCP members can play toward the UNs Sustainable Development Goals.
The Congress brings everyone together to celebrate key role of TVET in the lives of students, and for communities and industry. Awards of Excellence for best practice across a range of domains are also awarded.
The host organization bears the responsibility for planning the Congress. Hosting a World Congress involves arranging the venue, developing and executing the Congress program, including themes and speakers, working with sponsors and exhibitors and bringing together local organisations to contribute to the program. The host organization will work closely with the WFCP Board of Directors which will help guide the planning of the congress.
The Congress usually attracts around 700 to 800 participants including international and local delegates. Securing a venue large enough to host the Congress is critical at an early stage. Included below is the Federation’s Guide to Hosting the World Congress, which gives details on expectations of the host and the Congress in general. For your reference, the Melbourne 2018 bid is included below as well.
Proposals will be accepted only from member organizations or institutions. Please submit your bid, including a draft budget, by July 31st, 2022 to the Secretariat at The selected host will be informed by August 31st, 2022. If you have questions about the bid process or hosting the World Congress, please contact the Secretariat.