Make a Foresight Contribution to the WFCP
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

As part of its development of the Global Statement of Professional Technical Education and Training (PTET) the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) is asking for contribution of Foresight articles.

The invitation is open to members of WFCP to contribute Foresight articles which point to the future of PTET within a country or across the globe.

Expectations for the article are:

  • That it explores current or future issue(s) of relevance to PTET and the role of WFCP members
  • Sets guidance or challenge for PTET at the global, country or institute level
  • Can take the form of an opinion piece presented in the first person
  • Can be attributed to an individual, institution or association
  • Should be no more than 1000 words
  • Should be footnote referenced, where relevant
  • Can be presented in author’s native language.

Articles will be reviewed by a small editing committee and will be published alongside the Global Statement.

Commercial Opportunity

Commercial sponsorship of Foresight pieces is welcome.  Authors are welcome to seek sponsorship for their articles. As a guide, a contribution of US$500 for an article is expected and is payable to WFCP. Sponsors will receive acknowledgement in the Global Statement on the WFCP website and publications.

Candidates for articles who wish to clarify any matters can make contact with WFCP Secretariat on and someone will respond.

Contributions are due by Friday 16 July to

This is an opportunity to hear from across the network of WFCP. Much binds us yet we also each face unique challenges and futures. Sharing our perspectives brings understanding and can bind us in the common cause for world-class professional technical education and training to power the world and grow opportunity for citizens.

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