In collaboration between the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) and the Postsecondary International Network (PIN).
Time: Thursday June 24th 2021 (6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, New York)
Registration (free): HERE
In responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, many organisations rapidly redesigned their educational offerings – from teaching and learning to learner support and administration. The ‘impossible” was achieved as leadership, faculty and staff rose to the occasion, but Covid-19 also exposed both organizational and educational weaknesses.
What worked, what did not, and why? What will be maintained for the future, and why? What needs to be discarded and why?
Guest Presenters:
Matt Gotschall, PhD, President, Central Community College, United States
Matt is President of Central Community College, located in the center or Nebraska, in the center of the United States. The college consists of three full-service campuses and four learning centers offering dozens of technical, health, business and academic transfer programs. In addition to serving on the executive team of the Postsecondary International Network (PIN), Matt also serves on the American Association of Community College (AACC) Commission on Small and Rural Colleges.
With a focused Covid-19 crisis team, the college was able to remain open throughout the 2020-2021 academic year celebrating with in-person commencement ceremonies in May 2021. All areas of instruction, student services, enrollment management and continuing education were impacted, with promising practices developed as each challenge emerged. With a shared mission of maximizing student and community success, the college builds to meet regional economic development and residents’ needs, especially now as pandemic conditions show signs of improving.
Judith Morris, President and CEO, Lambton College, Canada
Judith Morris is a passionate and innovative academic leader with more than 30 years of experience working in post-secondary education. For the past nine years, Judith has served as the President & CEO of Lambton College, helping to establish the College as a global leader in research, education and innovation.
Lambton College, located in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, has approximately 7500 full-time international and domestic students, offering a full slate of programs from apprenticeship to degrees in health sciences, business, trades, community services and technology. The Centre of Excellence in Energy and Bio-Industrial Technology and the Nova Health and Research Centre are two key drivers at the College.
Dr. Lui Hokoana, Chancellor, University of Hawaiʻi Maui College
Hokoana started his higher education career at the University of Hawaiʻi in 1991 and served as the vice chancellor for student affairs at UH West Oʻahu since 2010. He also served as associate vice president for student affairs for UH System, vice chancellor of student affairs at Windward Community College and director for various programs at UH Maui College.
Hokoana has secured more than $100 million in county, state, federal and private funds to support various UHsystemwide initiatives that have contributed to unprecedented enrollment growth, financial aid access, service to underrepresented groups and overall student success. He was named State Manager of the Year by the State of Hawaiʻi in 2011.
This webinar is the second in a series of three, leading up to the WFCP – PIN Leadership Summit in Maui, October 2021.