Scholarship in Colleges: The Higher Technical Skills Webinar
Thursday, October 26, 2017

On November 23rd the Higher Technical Skills Affinity Group will host a webinar examining how scholarship could operate in the professional and technical education and training sector. The webinar will be informed by the work of England’s Association of Colleges (AoC) and Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Scholarship Project. The webinar will take place at 16:00 GMT (to see local times, click here), with 25 minutes dedicated to a question and answer period.

The Scholarship Project aims to create an evidenced-based framework to enhance scholarly activity at colleges and polytechnics. The Project is informed by Boyer’s four domains of scholarship: discovery, integration, teaching and learning and application. In the UK colleges consistently provide 8-10% of undergraduate higher education. Over the last decade, colleges have been challenged by the academic literature to improve staff scholarly activity. This literature has been echoed by formal quality reports that indicate the need for a more strategic approach to scholarly activity, in particular staff engagement and ownership, is necessary for colleges engaging in higher education.

The webinar will examine the work to date by the Higher Technical Skills group on scholarly activity at colleges and polytechnics and examine the framework designed by the project stakeholders. You can read more about the Scholarship Project here.

Keep an eye on and Twitter for more information on connecting to the webinar. Details of the event are as follows:

Title: Enhancing Scholarly Activity in Colleges
Join: TBC
Date: November 23, 2017
Time: 16:00 – 17:00 GMT

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