ColegauCymru / CollegesWales is the national charity for post compulsory education in Wales. Our mission is to “promote world-class education, training and skills outcomes for all post-compulsory learners in Wales”. Created in 1993 as an educational charity and a company limited by guarantee, CollegesWales is based in the capital city of Wales, Cardiff.

CollegesWales acts as the collective voice for the vocational education sector.  We promote the interests of the 13 further education (FE) colleges and institutions, providing members with high-quality professional support services.  We represent colleges nationally and influence Government (at all levels) and associated agencies on policies affecting the sector, learners and staff.

Safeguarding and securing the best deal for the post-16 workforce requires CollegesWales to engage in strategic trade union relations to ensure that FEIs have appropriate practitioners in order to meet government policy on the delivery of higher level qualifications and improved responsiveness to employer needs.

Promoting high-quality provision for learners delivered by further education and colleges is a priority as is international benchmarking and ensuring portability of qualifications and skills. CollegesWales has a wide variety of international links and is committed to innovation to support the further education sector to continue to thrive.

CollegesWales works with our members to develop enrichment programs which support the physical and mental wellbeing of learners and provide accessible lifelong learning opportunities for communities across Wales.


CollegesWales is interested in joining the following affinity groups:-

  • Applied research and innovation
  • Student Support Services
  • Green Colleges
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Access to Learning and Employment
  • Higher Technical Skills
  • Leadership Development